How Focused Should We Be On Mistakes Of the Past?

How Focused Should We Be On the Mistakes of the Past?

There are some who say, “Those who do not study the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them,” which is a paraphrase of the saying by George Santayana who actually said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Though both statements sound very similar, they are in fact very…Read More

Gregg Braden 's Teachings

Gregg Braden’s Teachings

Gregg Braden studied the Essenes who were the early followers of Jesus (Yehoshua) by going to different monasteries and studying their ancient writings to get a better view of what they believed. He has spoken about the true method of prayer discussed in the bible (which aligns to the idea of affirmations, and visualizations), the…Read More

Christian New Age

New Age Christianity

This site is named after the Tree of Life in the book of Revelation whose leaves heal the nations. With such a biblical backing, some people might wonder why there is a focus on things some consider “new age”. Of course, the New Age is the age of rest that has been prophesied in the…Read More